ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
A Case Study of Satisfaction Levels with the Use of Child Support Services and Toy Rentals for Parents with Young Infants*
투고일 : 2013. 3. 31. 심사일 : 2013. 5. 27. 게재확정일 : 2013. 6. 17.
The present study aims to identify how satisfied users are with toy rental childcare supportservices provided by family support division offices. The users of the toy rental service of theP-city in Gyonggi Province of Korea were the population studied. Surveys were given to 139parents selected by wireless sampling. The measurement tool was a slightly modified version ofsurveys used in the past studies.The services were highly evaluated in 18 areas across four subcategories of tangibility,convenience, consensuality and kindness of employees. In particular, the users were very satisfiedwith the employees of toy rental service as well as the physical facilities and annual membershipfees. It was also found that tangibility, convenience, and kindness of the employees were closelycorrelated with the parents' intent to renew membership and to recommend the service.Consensuality was not significantly correlated with an intention to renew membership, while it wascorrelated with the intention to recommend the service. The highest correlation was found betweenkindness of the employees and the parents' intent to renew membership, which emphasizes theimportance of service education and management. The evaluation of this service provided by thechildcare support division was relatively high. The evaluation of the Family Support Division, on theother hand, was high in all categories. It scored high as a suitable place for activities, for aneducation period, and for awareness of education programs and participation in education programs.
장난감대여,가족지원실 서비스,교육프로그램,만족도,Toy Rentals,Childcare Support Division Service,Education Program,Satisfaction Level