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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.18 No.2 pp.81-103

가족탄력성과 어머니의 심리적 복지감 및 양육행동이 저소득층 유아의 자아탄력성에 미치는 영향: 일반가정 유아와 다문화가정 유아를 대상으로*

**청주대학교 사회복지학과 부교수

The Effects of Family Resilience, Mothers' Psychological Well-Being, and Parenting Behavior on the Ego-Resilience of Young Children from Low-Income Families: Focused on Young Children from General and Multicultural Families

Hye-Won Hwang
Associate Professor, Dept. of Social Welfare, Cheongju University


The purpose of this study was to find factors related to the ego-resilience of young children fromlow-income families. For this purpose, survey data from 154 low-income mothers with youngchildren including children from multicultural families, were used to examine the effects of familyresilience, mothers' psychological well-being, and parenting behavior on the ego-resilience of youngchildren from low-income families.The major findings were as follows: 1) Family cohesion, one of the sub-factors of familyresilience, was the strongest factor for predicting the ego-resilience of young children fromlow-income families. Also, warm and encouraging parenting behavior had a significant effect on theego-resilience of young children from low-income families. 2) According to the results of a pathanalysis, maternal education, multicultural family status, and social support had indirect effects onparenting behavior through their effects on the psychological well-being of mothers. In turn,mothers' psychological well-being had an indirect effect on the ego-resilience of young childrenthrough its influence on parenting behavior. 3) According to the t-tests, young children frommulticultural families had a significantly lower level of self-confidence and cheerfulness. Also,mothers with higher educational levels had a significantly higher level of psychological well-being.Based on these results, the implications of the study and its limitations were discussed.

