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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.18 No.3 pp.333-352

대리양육가정 조부모의 위탁경험에 관한 질적 연구

배나래¹, 박충선²

A Qualitative Study on the Grandchildren Rearing Experiences of Surrogate Grandparents

Na-Rae Bae¹, Chung-Sun Park²
¹Department of Management of Long Term Care Facilities, Konyang Cyber University, Daejeon 302-718, Korea
²Department of Management of Family Welfare, Daegu University, Daegu 712-714, Korea


This study seeks to examine the formation of grandparents' child-rearing experiences and tounderstand the needs of grandparents as surrogate parents in the rearing of grandchildren. Thephenomenological approach by Giorgi was used to analyze the data. Face-to-face interviews wereconducted with ten surrogate grandparents. The data were analyzed and classified with interrelatedsubjects. As a result, seven main subjects and four core meanings were emerged. The four coremeanings are "financial difficulty", "a physical and psychological care burden", "a fear of socialisolation", and "mixed feelings toward caring." Based on the results, social services and policies aresuggested to enhance the quality of life of surrogate grandparents, as grandparents play importantroles in rearing children in our society.
