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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.18 No.4 pp.625-656

부모지원을 위한 6Y Coaching 프로그램의 추후 효과성에 관한 연구*

이소희1, 송금자2, 김경미2, 박현정2

A Study on the Follow-up Effects of a 6Y Coaching Program for Parents

Geum Ja Song2, So Hee Lee1, Kyung Mi Kim2, Hyun Jeong Park2
2Graduate School of Child Welfare & Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul 140 742, Korea
1Division of Child Welfare & Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul 140 742, Korea
투고일: 2013. 9. 30 심사일: 2013. 10. 24 게재확정일: 2013. 12. 18


The aim of this study is to verify the follow-up effects of a 6Y coaching program for parents.This study is based on the firs-stage verification research, which developed the organization of abasic coaching program to help understand and utilize coaching skills easily. To achieve thispurpose, this study sets two research issues. Firstly, does a professional group show follow-upeffects after participating in a 6Y coaching program? Secondly, does mothers group show follow-upeffects after taking 6Y coaching program? This study proceeded with the following method andprocedure.The first study revealed the efficacy of a 6Y coaching program in 20 professionals and mothers.This study verifies the sustainability of a 6Y coaching program by conducting a follow-up test after6-7 months with the same 17 professionals and 18 mothers. The methods of this study are asfollows: a Coaching Capacity Evaluation Sheet was used to check the effect of a 6Y coachingprogram, a semi-structured open-ended questionnaire was used to find out the utilization effect ofa 6Y coaching program and in-depth interview was also utilized. The results showed that theprofessional group sustained listening skills and the mothers group maintained their listening skills,motivation skills and acknowledgment and celebration skills as an effect of the 6Y coachingprogram. In addition, in-depth interview revealed that the skills acquired from a 6Y coachingprogram are used in counseling and daily life.

