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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.18 No.4 pp.599-623

잠재집단분석을 이용한 퇴직자의 사회적 관계유형 변화에 관한 종단적 연구*

조지용1, 박태영2

A Longitudinal Study on the Changes in the Typology of Social Relationships among Retirees by Using Latent Class Analysis

Tai Young Park2, Gee Yong Jo1
2Department of Social Welfare, Soongsil University, Seoul 156 743, Korea
1Department of Social Welfare, Dongyang University, Yeongju 750 711, Korea
투고일: 2013. 9. 30 심사일: 2013. 10. 18 게재확정일: 2013. 12. 17


This study investigated the changes in the types of social relationships before and after retirementwithin the secondary group, in which involved in the local society including their spouses andchildren. The study used the panel survey of a Korean longitudinal study of aging data from the 1st(2006) to the 3rd year (2010) to classify the types of relations for 378 retirees by latent class analysis.In terms of the latent class analysis, the types of social relationships before and after retirement weredivided into two heterogeneous groups. Before retirement, people belonged to 3 types of socialrelationships such as the children-oriented type, conjugal-and-secondary-relationship-oriented type,and distant-social-relationship type. After retirement, they were divided into 4 types of socialrelationships such as the children’s-financial-support-relationship, emotional-bondage-withchildren-relationship,conjugal-and-secondary-relationship-oriented type, and distant-social-relation type. Retirementrequires retirees to change their social network, which leads them to reinforcing the fellowshipwith their spouses and children and to reduce social relationships rather than expanding tosecondary groups of social relationships through changes of social networks while pursuing theemotional meaning of their post-retirement lives. This study is meaningful in that it showed thevarious adaptation types of retirees on the basis of their lives and empirical research on thechanges of their social relationships.

