ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.18 No.4 pp.579-598
대학생이 지각하는 가족건강성이 행복감에 미치는 영향*
The Effects of Family Strength on Happiness as Perceived by College Students
투고일: 2012. 3. 31 심사일: 2012. 4. 22 게재확정일: 2013. 12. 14
Although many people in modern society are living with different lifestyles and have differentpriorities, their ultimate life goal is to pursue ‘happiness’. Hence, this research surveyed the levelof happiness caused by family strength as perceived by university students with thedemographical variable of university students in the Jeollabuk-do region.The results of this research are summarized as follows. First, in terms of family strength witha general background, it was found that male students perceive family strength more positivelythan female students. Second, happiness caused by a general background value shows that malestudents perceived both family strength and happiness more than female students. Third, familystrength and happiness showed positive correlations in all areas, meaning that high scores infamily strength are related with high scores in happiness. In addition, especially when thesub-factors of family strength, view of value, object-sharing, and social solidarity had highscores, the happiness scores were higher.