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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.19 No.1 pp.131-145

보육교사의 코칭역량이 교사-영아 상호작용에 미치는 영향*

서수진1, 도미향2

The Effects of Childcare Teachers Coaching Competency on the Interactions between the Childcare Teachers and Infants

Su-Jin Seo1, Mi-Hyang Do2
1Graduate School of Childcare Management, Namseoul University, Cheonan 331-707, Korea
2Department of Child Welfare, Namseoul University, Cheonan 331-707, Korea


This research examined how childcare teachers coaching competency affects the interactionsbetween the teachers and infants. The data was collected from 388 childcare teachers from childcarecenters at C, P, and S districts, and the results of the study are as follows. First, when looking atthe awareness level of the childcare teachers coaching competency and interactions between theteachers and infants, the awareness of the coaching competency was above average, and theawareness of the interactions between the teachers and infants was high. Second, a highcorrelational relationship was found between the childcare teachers coaching competency and theinteraction level of the childcare teachers and infants. Third, multiple regression analysis was doneto observe the effect of the childcare teachers coaching competency on the interactions between theteachers and infants. It was found that the childcare teachers coaching competency had a positiveeffect on the interactions between the teachers and infants. The variables that had significance wereimplementation competency, conversational competency, and consciousness competency; also, as thelevel of coaching competency increased, the level of interaction between the teachers and infantsincreased as well.
