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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.19 No.4 pp.905-928

청소년의 가정폭력경험이 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향 :자아존중감과 자기통제력의 매개효과

석말숙, 구용근

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Smartphone Addiction of the Adolescent:The Mediating Effects of Self-esteem and Self-control

Yong-Keon Koo, Mal-Sook Suk
Department of Social Welfare, Korea Nazarene University, Cheonan 331-718, Korea


This study was performed in order to provide action plans for the prevention of and interventionin adolescents' smartphone addiction based on the evidence that loss of self-esteem and self-controlcaused by domestic violence could lead to the addiction of smartphones among adolescents. Weselected a total of 724 students in 8th grade residing in Seoul to participate in the study. As a resultof the analysis using structural equations, domestic violence did not directly cause adolescents'addiction to smartphones. However, the reduced self-esteem and self-control of adolescents affectedby domestic violence indirectly led to their addiction to smartphones. Based on the study, thefollowing are recommendations to prevent and intervene in adolescents’ addiction to smartphones. 1)The government needs to actively participate to prevent teenagers’ addiction to smartphones. 2) Theprevention of and intervention in domestic violence, which indirectly influences adolescents’addiction to smartphones, is needed. 3) An active approach to preventing adolescents’ addiction tosmartphonese and early intervention in the addicted population is needed. 4) Since adolescents whohave experienced domestic violence have a higher possibility of becoming addicted to not onlysmartphones but also other electronic devices, interventions to increase their self-esteem andself-control are needed.
