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ISSN : 1229-4713(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
Korean Journal of family welfare Vol.19 No.4 pp.855-881

다문화가정 아버지의 원가족 경험과 결혼만족도가 양육효능감에 미치는 영향

한윤정, 정혜정

The Effects of Family-of-origin Experiences and Marital Satisfaction on the Parenting Efficacy of Fathers in Multicultural Families

Hye-jeong Chung, Yun-Jung Han
Department of Child Studies, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Korea


This research attempted to investigate the effects of family-of-origin experiences and maritalsatisfaction on parenting efficacy as perceived by fathers in multicultural families in Korea. Datawere collected from 203 Korean fathers who had at least one child and had married women fromforeign countries by using a self-report questionnaire method. Family-of-origin experiencesconsisted of two variables: family-of-origin health and attachment to parents in thefamily-of-origin. Parenting efficacy measured two dimensions: efficacy as a parent and frustration/anxiety as a parent. The results of exploratory analyses showed that family-of-origin experienceswere different according to the participants’ education levels, religion, monthly average income, andfamily types, while marital satisfaction and parenting efficacy differed considerably depending ontheir age, education levels, religion, income, and their foreign wives’ Korean communication abilities.The results of correlation analyses indicated that the level of fathers’ parenting efficacy waspositively related with the levels of marital satisfaction and family-of-origin experiences. Finally,the multiple regression analyses reported that marital satisfaction was the most powerful variableaffecting both of the dependent variables: efficacy as a parent and frustration as a parent, whileattachment to the father in their family-of-origin also influenced their efficacy as a parent. Theresults were discussed in terms of some implications for educators and clinicians working withfathers in multicultural families. The results were also discussed in terms of future researchdirections focusing on this new type of family in Korea.
