ISSN : 2288-1638(Online)
The Effects of Psychological & Marital Variables on the Overuse of the Internet & Smartphones in Married Adults
This study examined the effects of individuals’ psychological and marital variables on his or heroveruse of internet and smartphones among 165 married adults in their 20s to 40s living in Busan. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire including the Differentiation of Self Scale, R-UCLA Loneliness Scale, Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale, Intention to Divorce Scale, K-Scale for Internet Addiction, and S-Scale for Smartphone Addiction with a demographic questionnaire.
The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the proportion of high-risk internetoverusers was 16.4%, while 22.4 percent of the participants had problems with overusing their smartphones. Second, the hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that married adults with lower levels of self-differentiation and marital satisfaction were more likely to overuse the internet, while those who were male with higher levels of loneliness and lower levels of marital satisfaction were more likely to overuse their smartphones. The implications of these results are discussed for healthy technology use and marital relationships.
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